5th Annual New Jersey AIDS Walk – 5/1/2016

LOCATION: Ridgewood Duck Pond – Saddle River County Park, 1133 E. Ridgewood Ave., Ridgewood, NJ, 07450
One Day – One Cause – Five Locations
RIDGEWOOD – Newark – Morristown – Asbury Park – Atlantic City HELP SAVE LIVES.
Several of New Jersey’s leading AIDS Service Organizations have unified their efforts to produce a single state-wide awareness and fundraising event on the first Sunday in May. On this one day, in five separate locations, thousands of people will walk in solidarity throughout the state of New Jersey to support people living with HIV/AIDS. This coordinated effort is designed to raise awareness that AIDS is still a major healthcare issue in our state, as well as raise funds to help support the efforts of the participating HIV/AIDS Service Organizations. With more than 38,000 people currently living with HIV/AIDS in New Jersey, we are in the top 10 for the highest rate of reported cases of HIV infection in the United States. Although people living with HIV/AIDS often face acts of prejudice and discrimination, AIDS is an equal opportunity virus. The “at risk” populations include all races, religions, sexual orientations, age groups and socio-economic classes. Please join NJ Buddies in support and make a significant contribution to the fight against HIV/AIDS. Your partnership will help in the struggle to end AIDS in our communities. We welcome the chance to meet with you to discuss involvement in this year’s event. The levels of sponsorship are outlined in the Sponsorship Opportunities button below. Additionally, we welcome corporate teams of walkers and/or volunteers. Won’t you please help us make a difference in the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS at our site: the Saddle River County Park (Ridgewood Duck Pond) in Ridgewood, NJ.
Learn more about the New AIDS Walk at njaidswalk.org
For More Information, Contact Ray Welsh at ray@njbuddies.org?. CALL ANYTIME IF YOU NEED HELP at: 201-489-2900, or 201-290-1539.
Event Details
Please join NJ Buddies on May 1st to raise awareness and funds for those living with and/or affected by HIV/AIDS. The event will begin at 11:00 am with Registration, during this time participants may help themselves to refreshments, view panels of the AIDS Memorial Quilt, and enjoy entertainment that will be there for all. All are invited; there is no minimum to register. We do ask for a minimum of $50. donation to receive a ticket which gives the walker access to t-shirts and any giveaways on that day. At 12:30 pm, everyone will gather at the Pavilion for the opening ceremony and group photo. There will be a step-off speech as well as an opportunity to meet with local politicians. Participants (in Ridgewood and the other locations) step-off for the 5K Walk at 1:00 pm. Water will be supplied along the route. Refreshments will again be available at the end for any who chooses to donate; all donations will be given to provide services for clients of Buddies of NJ, Inc. Thank you so much!!! Expected attendance is > 2100 statewide. It is our goal, through advertising and promotions, to reach the over 8 million residents infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. Please save the date!