news and events

Oct. 10th FOOD DISTRIBUTION 5 / Distribucion de la Comida 5

On Satuday, October 10, 2020  Buddies of NJ, Inc. will be distributing food to the first 300 families from 12pm to 4pm,

REQUIREMENTS: Valid State ID or Drivers License


El sabado el 10 de octubre de 2020, Buddies of NJ, Inc. distribuirá alimentos a las primeras 300 familias de 12 p.m. a 4 p.m.,

REQUISITOS: Identificación válida del estado o licencia de conducir


September 18 | National HIV & Aging


If your over 50 and Living With HIV…  Stop By for a Shop Rite Gift Card
Buddies has assisted thousands of people throughout the years. We choose to thank people who have trusted us with services over the past 35 years with a small token: A $10.00 Shop Rite Gift Card will be available from tomorrow (National HIV & Aging Awareness Day)
up to and including our food distribution day on September 24th/25th at Buddies of NJ, Inc.
You may be asked to re-certify if you have not in the last 6 months.
You qualify if you are a client or former client 5o Years or older.
while cards last
People over 50 in New Jersey
account for more than half of the People Living With HIV/AIDS.
Make an appointment to get a FREE HIV test at Buddies
and/or bring a friend for one this September!
Help End the Epidemic by 2025

GHMC HIV & Aging Awareness Day Webinar:

recording available at!

NJHPG & Rutgers HIV & Aging Webinars:

Sign On Wednesdays in October 1:30 PM to 3PM

HIV Testing & Counseling

Questions: E-mail a TEAM MEMBER at
to schedule a testing appointment

PrEP Services – One Pill A Day to Prevent a Lifetime of HIV

Find out if PrEP is right for you!
Please call 201-489-2900 to schedule an appointment;
you may also e-mail

Gay Men’s Awareness Day(s) 2020

7th Annual Gay Men’s Awareness Days 2020

We are happy to inform you that the New Jersey HIV Planning Group’s (NJHPG) Gay Men’s Committee presents the

7th Annual Gay Men’sAwareness Day(s)    …themed: “Crusin’ the New Normal”

The Committee will host a virtual program on gay and bisexual men’s health every Wednesday in September.  This year we recognize of National Gay Men’s HIV Awareness Day, with a series of tele-conferences.  Originally created in 2008 to recognize the disproportionate impact of the epidemic on gay men, the NJHPG has created this event to educate the gay community, as well as the providers who work with them, on unique issues and barriers which impact both HIV care and prevention throughout NJ.

Schedule of Events:
September 2 – 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
History Behind National Gay Men’s HIV Awareness Day –11:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
How it affects the community and HIV timeline– 12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m.
COVID19 & HIV – 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

September 9 – 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Our New Normal – A continued conversation with Dr. Tony Ortega

September 16 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Chemsex Amongst Gay & Bisexual Men

We hope that you are able to join this event and learn more about how you
can support the gay and bisexual community! As the event gets closer, we
will be providing more details on registration as well as on our guest
Be sure to mark your calendars on Wednesdays in September 2020!
Thanks and we hope to see you there!
Register at:


Somebuddies Birthday?

As we begin to celebrate 35 years …

Our Wish Is That You Continue

to Show Kindness & Compassion

for One Another

Look out for more to come this fall!

Transgender Days of Learning: August 5th, 12th, 19th, & 26th

Buddies of NJ, Inc. is proud to invite you to the NJ-HPG’s

1:30 to 3PM Sign On Link for Anyone of Interest:

Transgender Days of Learning

Transgender Days of Learning event begins in August of this year. Hosted by Christian Mendez-Baez of EDGE New Jersey and Domonique Noel of the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, this event will feature a virtual program on transgender health every Wednesday from 1:30 to 3:00 pm from Wednesday, August 5, 2020 to Wednesday, August 26, 2020. The speakers and co-facilitators will talk about HIV in the transgender community, trans and gender nonconforming (TGNC) terminology, social issues affecting the TGNC community, and cancer disparities and prevention in the trans community. There will also be a transgender issues panel on the last Wednesday of this event, during which panelists will discuss their experiences navigating healthcare, HIV prevention, finding support during COVID. This will be followed by a mental health discussion led by Johann Larkin, behavioral health counselor at EDGE New Jersey.

Thank you so much for attending our final program of the Transgender Days of Learning conference yesterday and making our Transgender Issues Panel and Mental Health Discussion a huge success! A special thanks to all of our panelists for sharing their perspectives on navigating healthcare, COVID and finding social support and to Johann Larkin of Edge New Jersey for discussing mental health in the trans community.
If you would like to reach out to any of our panelists, here are their names and contact information. Their photos and bios are listed in the attached program brochure.
For information on mental health resources for the transgender community, please see the information below:
Trans Lifeline
  • provides support for trans people by trans people
  • call 1 (877) 565-8860
The LGBT National Hotline
  • providers peer support and local resources
  • call 1 (888) 843-4564
Text TALK to 741741
  • text with a trained counselor from the Crisis Text Line for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Please complete the evaluation survey for yesterday’s program, if you have not done so already, using this link: 

As soon as all of the recordings from all four programs are uploaded onto the NJHPG website, you will be sent an email with a link to all of the recordings.


If you are interested in becoming a member of the New Jersey HIV Planning Group (NJHPG), please visit this site for more information:

We appreciated everyone’s participation and engagement during the session, and we look forward to seeing you at the upcoming Gay Men’s Awareness Days event. Please share the event flyer using the hashtag #NJGMAD2020

CLOSED: State of Emergency

Buddies of NJ is cooperation with NJ State & Local Authorities has closed the office today, August 4th.   You may leave email or phone messages; please do not expect a return until the next full day of business.  If you have a physical or health emergency… please call 911 and ask for assistance.


Online Shopping with a SMILE

ABOUT amazonsmile

What is AmazonSmile?

Shopping online comes easier for some more than others.   I am more apt. to do so if I know I can also help Buddies with at no additional cost.

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Buddies of NJ, Inc. every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, SELECT  BUDDIES OF NJ INC. as your favorite charity, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to Buddies of NJ

Make It Easier by clicking the below link this today and all year long, whenever you shop


STAY EDUCATED – with Rutger’s Podcast Recordings

Health Literacy and Prevention Topics

U=U Live Events July 29th and August 25th:

11AM to 12:30PM

Quincy Bell’s Personal Room

Webinars, Podcasts, and Related Materials
Webinar Recordings
Our New Normal: Coping with COVID-19, Special Guest, Dr. Tony Ortega, Psy. D.

Improving Health Literacy – Part 1

Improving Health Literacy – Part 2

Improving Health Literacy – Part 3

Improving Health Literacy – Part 4

Improving Health Literacy – Part 5

Improving Health Literacy – Part 6

Let’s Talk About Risk – Part 1

Let’s Talk About Risk – Part 2

Let’s Talk About Risk – Part 3

Exploring Biomedical Strategies for HIV Prevention – Part 1 Let’s Talk About PrEP

Podcasts from the California STD/HIV Prevention Training Center
The New Jersey AIDS Drug Distribution Program (ADDP) and Health Insurance Continuation Program (HICP)
Related Materials
National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors: Reaching Them Where They Are. A Guide for Using Online and Social Media to Conduct Sexual Health Outreach with Youth (PDF)
CDC Social Media Tools, Guidelines & Best Practices