Entries by Events Committee

Women & Girls HIV Awareness Day – March 10th

March is Women’s History Month The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in commemorating and encouraging the study, observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history: https://www.womenshistorymonth.gov/ National Women and […]

HIV is NOT a Crime

Support the NJ AIDS WALK now: www.njaidswalk.org/bp25 ————————————————————————- February 28 is HIV is Not a Crime Awareness Day, which was first observed in 2022 by the Sero Project in collaboration with the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation. This awareness day is an opportunity to amplify the voices of those who have been criminalized based on their […]

National Black AIDS Awareness – FEB 7th

As we move toward Black History Month, it is important to recognize and engage in National Black AIDS Awareness Engage, Educate, Empower: Uniting to End HIV/AIDS in Black Communities. February 7 is National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD), which was first observed in 1999. This observance is a day to acknowledge how HIV disproportionately affects […]


WORLD AIDS DAY is DECEMBER 1st (every year)  This year we invite you to TWO FREE EVENTS that commemorates those we lost from HIV/AIDS, honors those who struggle with this disease today, and celebrates those who are helping to bring this epidemic to an end. REGISTER HERE so that we can prepare food and space.   […]

LatinX HIV Awareness Day

Take time today to let your friends know that you care by getting an HIV Test with them. Discuss if PrEP is something good for you or someone you know. Visit your local AIDS Service Organization and find out how you can work together to make things better in your community!   Tómate el tiempo […]