Buddies of NJ, Inc... Serving the Community Since 1985!

Our Mission:to provide support, education, and services

for people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS.

Hours & New Location

Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm : 201-489-2900  



Buddies’ Safe-Space for Youth open regular hours again!

1919 JFK Boulevard | North Bergen, NJ 07047 |   Office: 201-608-0857

Buddies of NJ, Inc. (NJB), 501(c)(3) is Bergen and Passaic County’s Premier AIDS SERVICE ORGANIZATION.

Your support makes it possible to provide:  Service, Education, Resources, and Care to People Living With and affected by HIV/AIDS.

Buddies provides NJHS Licensed Substance Abuse Counseling & Treatment Services; Free Rapid HIV Testing & Counseling; PrEP Counseling; Case Management; Community Health Navigation, Medical Case Management; Housing & Housing Assistance; Dental Services; Counseling Services; Peer Support Groups; Medical Transportation; Food Bank; and now a SAFE-SPACE for YOUTH.

NJB is supported with federal grants from the Ryan White Care Act, HOPWA (Housing Opportunities for People With AIDS), and the New Jersey Department of Health.  Additional funding is also provided through private foundations, fundraising efforts, and generous contributions from the community at large.  Buddies is a founder and proud Member Organization of the New Jersey AIDS Walk, Inc.


  • FREE Confidential HIV Counseling & Testing

    Knowing is Key to Staying Healthy. Call for an Appointment: 201-489-2900

    Drop-ins Welcome, Mon-Fri 10am–3pm

    Funded by NJ Division of Health

  • Let Us Help You

    Services include: HIV Case & Medical Case Management | Licensed Substance Abuse & Mental Health Center | HIV Counseling & Testing Resource Center | Dental Services/Peer Support | Food Pantry | Medical Transportation | Housing & HOPWA

  • End AIDS / Stop HIV

    Talk About Difficult Issues/Help End Stigma/Stay Healthy & Ready For A Cure /Stay Connected & Volunteer Time /Lower Community Viral Load

Make a Difference

Be A Buddies Supporter! We can’t do it alone! Please donate or volunteer as a way to support our services and help people living with HIV.

Use our 340B partner to get your medications efficiently and at the same time reinvest in your future without added cost!

Ask Abraham Corsino or your case manager about the quickest way to get in on this personalized pharmacy that specializes in your needs.

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